I'll have to go day by day this week.
So last Monday, Siew Yong, a Member from the Chinese branch took us out to a Buddhist Temple. It was a massive one, and it was a lot of fun. We spent a lot of time just taking a ton of pictures, but it was really enjoyable. Siew Yong is a really nice guy.
That night we had a fantastic family night at Acui's house. Bro. Kong and Elder's Bester and Hobbs also came, and it went really well. After taking turns sharing scriptures, we played a really fun game called 'Hai Su Ka'. Acui almost died laughing.
Tuesday was a fun little treat. The Beus's requested to host District Meeting at their house, and invited the Sibu Jaya Elders to come up with Elder and Sister Marteeny. Elder and Sister Marteeny finished their missions this last week, so after a very productive District Meeting we had an amazing lunch with Enchilada's and REAL CHEESE! What a Joy Incarnate was that meal, though it almost put us in a food coma. I did get to purchase some Sarawak Proselyting Slippers though, some rubber things for cheap that are easy to slip on and off for any quick runs we need to do, as we never wear shoes in people's houses.
That night we went again to Acui's house, this time with Elder's Baranov and Misa for Acui's baptismal interview. We had a fun little time during that, and she PASSED! The only thing she was a little shaky on was the Restoration, but we had a review lesson later for that. She's awesome.
Wednesday all of our appointments fell through, so we spent a lot of time contacting in a place called Sungai Merah. The funniest part of that all was when we were heading back for Acui we stopped for Ramley Burgers at a local Muslim food stall. Almost instantly the Heavens opened, and the rain came down and the floods came and the winds blew. They let us sit on their front porch for about 40 minutes while eating Ramley Burgers and Mi Goreng until the rain died down.
We then met with Acui, mostly getting her information for her Baptismal record. Meanwhile I taught why Nephi was writing on plates, as Kenyang was questioning that.
Thursday was our Permai Jaya day, which meant we biked out to Permai Jaya and stayed there all day long. Ingang was doing great as usual. She has such a strong testimony of the Gospel, and the only thing keeping her back is no transport to church. She seems pretty confident that she will have it soon though.
The next person we met with there was Sister Floria, the less active that moved there from Batu Kawa, Kutching. For the first time her Husband was there too, as he was back from Song for a while (he works there). We had a great lesson where we shared the stories of 1st Nephi 3 and Esther, discussing Courage and following the commandments. It was a really fun lesson, although two of their daughters had the Chicken Pox.
We then found a bunch of kids playing Bola-Kampung. We joined them until Jerry came home.
Jerry was actually late from work, but his kids let us in. He has a twenty-something son named Harris that we had never met, but he was a very nice kid. Very receptive. When Jerry came, we shared the same lesson as Floria for a lack of time. He is reading a ton apparently, and although he does not yet have a desire to be baptized due to his Roman Catholic heritage, he read about 20 chapter of 1st Nephi in the last week and enjoyed it. He comprehends and remembers very well what he reads.
Friday I went on splits with Elder Baer, the Chinese Elder. We had a great time together and a great day. We ended up meeting with Winnie, the Chinese girl that follows Acui and friends to everything, and he taught her in Chinese for a while. We also met with a less active in their area, a very nice old man. It went very well apparently.
Saturday we went over to the Beus's house to prepare the Baptismal program for that night. Mysteriously though, Elder Sutherland's tire went flat while we were doing that. Elder Beus then volunteered to take us down to Permai to meet Sister Ingang, as she had asked us to come back that day. We found when we got there that her daughters, Celesty and Natasha, were there with their fried Menin. The all had been reading, so we spent our lesson discussing 1st Nephi chapter 1. It's interesting, but you can basically teach all the doctrines of the Restoration with that one chapter.
That night was the Baptism! Acui had asked me to do it. It went well, and was beautiful.
Sunday, church went well as usual. We did have an investigator we haven't been able to get a hold of for several weeks randomly call us and walk to church, if you guys remember Randy, he's a nice construction worker from Indonesia. Afterwards though, Elder Misa felt sick, so we stayed home with him while Elder Baranov went out to Rantau Panjang with a member. Elder Sutherland and I talked a lot and got a lot done though, it was a good day overall.
Then it's today.
This Gospel is TRUE! I feel it with every fiber of my being and I only want to share it better!
Love you so much!
-Elder Christensen
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